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Self and World - From Analytic Philosophy to Phenomenology

Self and World - From Analytic Philosophy to Phenomenology

Bruin Carleton Christensen


Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG, 2008

ISBN 9783110212174 , 404 Seiten

Format PDF, OL

Kopierschutz Wasserzeichen


210,00 EUR

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Self and World - From Analytic Philosophy to Phenomenology


This book draws upon the phenomenological tradition of Husserl and Heidegger in order to provide an alternative elaboration of John McDowell’s thesis that in order to understand how self-conscious subjectivity relates to the world, perception must be understood as a genuine unity of spontaneity (“concept”) and receptivity (“intuition”). The book is written in terms accessible to analytic philosophers and will thus enable them to see the central differences between analytic and phenomenological approaches to intentionality and self-consciousness.

Carleton B. Christensen, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.