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Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. 3 - Critical Care for Neurosurgeons

Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. 3 - Critical Care for Neurosurgeons

Manas Panigrahi, Suchanda Bhattacharjee, N Muthukumar


Verlag Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024

ISBN 9789392819988 , 168 Seiten

Format ePUB

Kopierschutz Wasserzeichen


74,99 EUR

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Neurosurgery Updates, Vol. 3 - Critical Care for Neurosurgeons


Neurosurgery Updates: Critical Care for Neurosurgeons, Volume 3 is a constellation of chapters which gives a basic workflow for neurosurgeons to manage neurosurgery patients in the perioperative period. The book is suitable for practicing neurosurgeons as well as residents who are the backbone of any neurosurgical teaching program. The chapters have been contributed by experienced neuroscientists and critical care experts. Each chapter is based on the critical care aspects of a particular domain like trauma, pediatric neurosurgery, vascular neurosurgery, and the like. The experts have painstakingly curated the chapters and given a working suggestion of dos and don'ts.
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